The critically acclaimed family show that’s a joyous reminder about just how playful the world can be.
Thursday 11th March, available online until 26th March.
Amelia, Emily, Georgie, Erynn, Greta, Harry, Nina & Stewart
Put your sofa in the front row with a digital production of Dust, a joyous reminder about just how playful the world can be, by Laura Dockrill, live-recorded at Half Moon Theatre.
When Little Titch and her scruffy rucksack arrive at the giant, pink house it is not what she expected – a blanket of thick grey dust covers everything in sight and it is wild and overgrown. Her new home is cold and unwelcoming until she meets Nelly, a flamboyant and loveable hoarder. Together the pair discover they have more in common than they first thought and that friendship can heal hidden wounds.
Written by acclaimed award-winning children’s author Laura Dockrill (Darcy Burdock book series and Big Bones) *Dust *uses puppetry and exquisite poetic language to explore a heartfelt story about love, loss, identity and memory. With haunting music by Hugo White of The Maccabees, this striking and emotional new play is a joyous reminder about just how playful the world can be.
Nina - ★★★
I like it! When she hugged the dust monster.
Georgie- ★★★★★
It was lovely! I liked all of it, when she fell and said about her knickers, and when the house went around.
Greta - ★★
It was a bit scary.
Harry - ★★
The only part I really liked is the end credit tune.
Emily - ★★★★
I liked it because, I like dust!
Amelia - ★★★★★
I liked the whole way through and it made me want to sleep because I was so cosy!
Erynn - ★★★★
I liked it but it was scary! Why did it have to be scary?
Stewart - ★★★★★
The puppetry was awesome and so was the set design. Actors and story all brilliant. Great show!